Chinese New Year Celebration
Due to the popular response and excitement for the Belmar Public Library’s Chinese New Year celebration, we have reached seating capacity for the event, and REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED to further attendees.
Only those who registered in advance and have received their QR-Coded E-tickets will have seats available and food service guaranteed for them. Any unregistered guests will still be welcome to enjoy the show, however we cannot guarantee seating or food service for them.
Doors will open for E-ticketed attendees at 5 PM to allow plenty of time for them to take their seats, have kids enjoy the Craft Table and to enjoy the evening’s food service before the show starts at 6 PM.
Thursday, January 23rd, 2024
6 pm
Taylor Pavilion, 500 Ocean Ave., Belmar
FREE & OPEN to the public
Seating limited, registration required