Bi-weekly Open Mic Poetry Jam Session LIVE at the Library
Where local poets perform original, classic and contemporary poetry to an enthused audience!!!
Do YOU write or enjoy reading poetry out loud?
Want to practice performing in a safe and supportive setting?
Then the Poetry Jam Cabaret is for YOU!
Open to all poets in High School, College, Adults and Seniors in the Belmar region!
Ready to perform? Simply come early to the next Poetry Jam Cabaret and speak with Luis Pulido.
Next Poetry Jam Cabaret is Wednesday, November 10, 2021 @ 6 pm
Poetry Jam Continues through December!
See new dates below
LIVE IN PERSON at the Library and on Facebook
2021 Poetry Jam Cabaret Fall/Winter Schedule
All sessions 6 pm live streamed on Facebook
Wednesday, November 10
Wednesday, December 8
Wednesday, December 22
Poets & Readers:
The Poetry Jam session will be held LIVE in person at the library.
This is freestyle poetry, so you may perform your poetry with props or instruments. If unsure, contact Luis Pulido at the Library.
The session will be between 60-75 minutes, with time slots for up to 10 poets.
You may either read your poetry from notes or recite from memory.
You will have 5 minutes to discuss and deliver your poem. Please stick to this time limit to respect your fellow poets waiting their turn.
You may perform either your own poetry, or your interpretation of someone else’s poetry, such as Keats, Poe, Wilde, etc.
In addition to the other poets in the session, there will be an audience of people watching as well.
Language and topics guidelines
Strong language permitted only if properly and well utilized to convey emotion or emphasis – all poems subject to pre-approval before performance.
Gratuitous use of strong language is prohibited.
Explicit sexuality, racist or homophobic language and topics prohibited.
* Please note that this Poetry Jam Session will be recorded for future playback and viewing. By participating you agree to have your likeness and audio recorded on camera for future Belmar Public Library and Belmar Borough Use.